The Singapore Medical Student Hunnypot
- MCQs, OSCAs, Essays, Vivas, textbooks, and exams -
   After years and years of languishing and inactivity, this site is being revamped. The old "medical" page will be split into 4 sections, namely Pre-medical, Medical Students, Junior Doctors (aka HOs and MOs) and Trainees/Residents. The content is still the same, but I will try add to it soon (hopefully it won't take another 7 years ;-).

   Pooh's Singapore Medical School page for the medical student, especially those in National University of Singapore. It has Gerald Tan's personal comments about Medschool in general and academic topics. There are also links to resource and directories, as well as OSCEs (OSCAs), MCQs, Past Year Exam Essay Questions, Short cases, Long cases and popular viva topics.
   Unfortunately, since it has been many many (more than 5!) years since he graduated, most of these, especially the fine details are hopelessly out of date (and quite likely inaccurate!). While the general principles might still hold true, it is best you check with your immediate seniors, tutors, and of course the official sources.
   If you have any contributions (no matter how small), suggestions (no matter how stupid), or find any mistakes (no matter how minor), just drop me a note by clicking here!! It's fast, easy, and you'll be helping zillions of medical students who will worship the ground you walk on forever and call you guru! Plus I might even award you my spare tendon tapper!! :-)

Para-Clinical Subjects Clinical Subjects Useful links

Integrated websites
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT)
Emergency Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynae
Psychological Med
  • NUS MedFac Main Page
  • Medical Library
  • Medical Society

    Singapore Sites
  • SMA
  • MOH
  • Singapore Medical Council
  • Health Directory

  • Medical Bookstores

  • Now for the REAL stuff! :)

    Internal Med

    Medicine - Year 3 End of Posting MCQ 1997 (Lee Jan Hau)
    Medicine - Year 5 End of Year MCQ 2001
    Medicine - Dummy's Guide to Internal Medicine [ZIP file] [13 Dec 06] (Leyland Chuang & Wong Kangmin)


    Orthopaedics - Wheeless's Textbook of Orthopaedics (online)(aka Wheeler's Textbook)


    Paediatrics - End of Posting OSCE
    Paediatrics - Neonatology test


    Surgery - Sample OSCA and answers (T C Lim)
    Surgery - End of posting Essay test
    Surgery - 2005 M5 End of posting OSCE [Powerpoint] (Courtesy of Wee)
    Surgery - 2000 Supplementary Paper OSCE
    Surgery - 1998 Main Paper OSCE [video for qn 13 fixed]
    Surgery - 1997 Supplementary Paper OSCE
    Surgery - Surgical Instruments


    All the below from an anonymous American based contributor.
    I am not familiar with the content, and cannot help further about the origin (?AMC ?Board examinations), authenicity, answers, or other issues.
    Added Apr 2001 - All PDFs.
    Current Clinical Strategies - Family Medicine 2004
    USA Recall MCQ 24 Apr 2009 - Behavioural Science
    USA Recall MCQ 24 Apr 2009 - Gastrointestinal Part I
    USA Recall MCQ 24 Apr 2009 - Public Health (COFM)
    USA Recall MCQ 24 Apr 2009 - Renal (Urinary)
    USA Recall MCQ 24 Apr 2009 - Reproductive (Genital, Obs & Gynae)
    USA Recall MCQ 24 Apr 2009 - Respiratory (Lungs)
    USA Recall MCQ 24 Apr 2009 - Ethics
    AMC Mega Collection of Recall MCQs 1999-2008
    MCCEE (Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination) May 2003


    All the content here (including the drug list and investigation table) has been moved to the "Doctors" section.

    Medical Bookstores in Singapore

    This section has also been moved here.

    Read the following before using this page!

    Disclaimer: The author, publisher and server of this website and/or page provide no guarantees or reassurances whatsoever about the accuracy, legitimacy, or any other statement of fact about the contents, explicitly or otherwise, of any of the pages above and will bear no responsibility of the consequences arising from your use, abuse or misuse of the contents. The author/publisher have no authority to grant you permission to save, download, duplicate, or reproduce in any form(electronically or otherwise), any of the contents, and by accessing any of these pages, you are accepting full responsibilty for the consequences of your actions in using, misusing, or not using these pages, and absolving the author of responsibility of any results arising from the use of these materials.


    ... are MOST welcome, and will be given full credit and acknowledgement.
    The only criteria for submission is that they must be related to Medical undergraduate education, preferably from NUS.
    Links to this site are also welcome - please link to the main page as this address may change.
    Please click here to email your questions/suggestions/contributions!

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